mcq on fundamental rules and supplementary rules with answers, master guide to fr & sr, service rules and financial rules pdf, mcq question on fr sr
Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules MCQ Quiz
(b) Foreign service
(c) The period of leave
(d) All the above
2- A L ien of a Government servant to a post shall not be retained when—
(b) on deputation beyond the maximum period
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
3-Of the following, specify the post which is eligible to get N N on-PractisingAllowance?
(b) Medical Staff of Central Services other than CGHS Services
(c) Nursing Staff
(d) Pharmacist
4-Which of the periods mentioned below are treated as duty ?
(b) Treatment of enforced halts
(c) Attending Departmental examinations
(d) All the above
5- The salary of a Government servant who is in foreign service is paid from—
(b) Foreign employer with the sanction of the Government
(c) The C onsolidated Fund of a S tate
(d) The C onsolidated Fund of a U nion T Territory
6- Substantive P ay does not include—
(b) Personal P ay
(c) Emoluments
(d) All the above
7- Indicate the Rule under which a Government servant may be required to subscribe to a provident fund—
(b) FR 16
(c) FR 14-A
(d) FR 11
8- What are the disabilities to a Government servant when interruption or break in service occurs under FR 17-A?
(b) Leave T Travel C oncession
(c) Eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations, for which a minimum period of continuous service is required
(d) All the above
9- Who has the power to condone the unauthorized absence under FR 17-A?
(b) Appointing Authority
(c) Head of the Department
(d) Head of the Office
10- under which Rule is pay fixation done when a Government servant is promoted from one post to another post involving higher responsibilities?
(b) FR 22 (I) (a) (1)
(c) FR 19
(d) FR 20
Very useful mcq ..thank you