Point of Sale 1. Problem: RPLI transactions cannot be booked. Solution: Do not enter Date of Acceptance and Agent Code while doing RPLI tran...
Point of Sale
1. Problem: RPLI transactions cannot be booked.Solution: Do not enter Date of Acceptance and Agent Code while doing RPLI transactions.
2. Problem: ‘Stored procedure missing’ error or ‘too many arguments specified’ error while doing Submit Account.
Solution: Ecounter, EMO and counter database upgradation has to be done in a sequence. If the sequence is not followed, this error will appear. Upgrade Ecounter, then EMO and then do counter upgradation.
3. Active X component cannot create object.
Solution: Reinstall the application after deleting the old installation cab files. If you are getting any error while registering the dlls then do the following
Register the dll by entering the following in the Run dialog box window.(Start - Run)
Regsvr32 ApplicationPath\dllname
eg.Regsvr32 H:\POS\cash.dll
4. While doing submit accounts ‘Server not configured for RPC’
Solution: Run the following query using query analyzer (replace ‘myserver’ with your server name):
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc', @optvalue='true'
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc out', @optvalue='true'
Note: The above error is related to SQL Server configuration settings and not related to the application. (RPC is Remote Procedure Call).
5. While doing submit accounts error ‘Operation is not allowed when the object is closed’
Solution : Run Counter13042010.exl using script tool.
6. While booking MO Videsh, Countries and currencies are not coming
Solution : Download the below file and apply.
7. While performing Day End the following error is encountered:
‘Multiple step operation generated errors. Check each status value’
Solution: Download the zip file. Unzip it and follow the instruction given in readme.
8. Invalid object name 'ECounter..ENVIRONMENT'.
Solution : Upgrade eCounter database
9. Point of sale Day end error while sending DET.
If there is an error of Point Of Sale dayend, while sending the Accounts MIS download the below exl file and run it. After that try to transmit the data. Download
1. In treasury module while entry in postman returns error shown ‘POSTMAN DATA BASE IS NOT AVAILBLE QUITTING’Solution: Run the following query using query analyzer (replace ‘myserver’ with your server name):
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc', @optvalue='true'
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc out', @optvalue='true'
Note: The above error is related to SQL Server configuration settings and not related to the application.
2. Accounts Heads not coming
Solution: Please run treasury130410.exl using script tool.
After executing the script, run query analyzer and execute the following query selecting treasury database.
update_megh66_accountheads_bydate 'ddmmyy'
ddmmyy stands for the date on which account heads not appeared. eg: if the date is 06/04/2010 then ddmmyy will be 060410
After that prepare the HO summary afresh
1. While performing Day End the following error is encountered:‘Multiple step operation generated errors. Check each status value’
Solution: Download the zip file from http://www.sendspace.com/file/r7xz78. Unzip it and follow the instruction given in readme.
2. Station articles are not fetching in Despatch
Solution: Local delivery / Station articles will not be fetched for despatch in the Despatch module. Fetch local articles for delivery through Postman module. The data will be correctly reflected in DET.
1. Local articles are showing not sent out for delivery in DETSolution: The option "Fetch from Counter" should be used on the day of invoicing these articles to Postman beats. For ex: If you have booked local articles today and you want them to be sent to beats on tomorrow, you should not use the Fetch from Counter option today. This option to be exercised on the next day only.
In such a situation, even if you don’t fetch today, all these local articles will be treated as "Despatched" in DET. Hence please use the Fetch from Counter option on the date of invoicing the articles to postman.
Day end in SubAccounts the error is ---------------------------
Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)':
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'pliotl'.
Pl. download the attached file http://www.sendspace.com/file/39m2e1 and run with script tool executor..
After this.. Please execute the query mentioned below in SQL Query Analyzer ... in Treasury database
update_megh66_accountheads_bydate '030510'
Perform Day Begin .... for 04th May ...
Pl. also check the option 'Convert Temporary Fields' under tools menu through supervisory login .. If the missing heads are listed, then make them permanent ...
2. For any type of error not covered in the above paras please do the following:
Restore the backup of Sub accounts, Sub Treasury, BO Sub accounts taken before upgradation....and continue your work till solution is provided by CEPT.
1. Object reference not set error while doing paid verificationSolution: Please ensure that eMO Account heads are created properly. SubAccount and SupplySubaccount databases are running and correct treasury server name is given while configuration. Ensure that SOcodemapping is done correctly. Ensure that HOAccount date and SOaccount dates are entered correctly both in eMO operator and subaccount modules.
2. All EDSOs are downgraded to BOs; How eMOs for these offices will be handled .
Concerned divisions are expected to give the new PIN Code info in respect of these offices, so that the PIN Code database is updated. Presently we are getting many faxes asking us to change the pincode of payee/remitter (wrong pincode). In order to tide over this problem, two options are provided to Divisional administrators 'Change the Payee Pincode' and 'Change Remitter Pincode' under Tools Menu.
The new URL for eMO MIS is https://services.ptcmysore.gov.in/emomisThe complete details of eMO not received, eMO not Printed and eMO not Paid are available for analysis.
You are requested to please login and check the status of eMO on daily basis.
The legacy data of eMO must be updated before 10.12.2010.
If any problem or pending eMO not coming in disaster paid entry then please follow the following instructions:-
1. Please download the latest exe available at ftp://ftp.ptcinfo.org/Meghdootv6.6/Updates/eMO/ . Download the file eMOupdate.zip , unzip the file and follow the procedure detailed in the readme.txt file.
2.Please download the file emodr.exl from http://www.sendspace.com/file/39lbwy . Execute the script file using script tool. Apply for disaster request through emo supervisor and run emo client. once files are received, update details through disaster paid entry option of emo operator and then later do disaster paid verification in emo supervisor.
3. If the problem is not solved after following the steps detailed above, please forward the eMO database backup with TXD/RXD folders and PNR details for analysis to PTC, Mysore (ptcdesk@gmail.com) under copy to this office.
1. Error Screen shot :Solution: Use the latest Schedule.exe dated 13.04.2010
2. Error Screen shot:
Solution: Please re-run the application.
3. Error screen shot:
Solution: Download the csv files from NIC website again. Upgrade the NICPLI database using Service Pack 1. After that upgrade the schedule database. Use new Meghdoot-NIC PLI Bridge software and then transfer the records from the files.
While transferring the records, first select the “Delete old records and insert new records” option button, transfer records and then subsequently select “Append records” option button for transferring other types of master records.
4. Error Screen shot:
Solution: Until the cashbook is generated, you will not be able to see the account heads and consequently, you will not be able to tally the cashbook. So, generate the cashbook and then generate the schedule.
5. Premium cannot be edited in the Schedule module’s transaction screen.
Solution: According to the requirements premium is not editable for the policies which are available in the NICPLI database. If the premium in the NICPLI database itself is wrong, then what should be done - this issue is under correspondence with PLI Directorate. Only After clarification from the PLI Directorate, this issue will be resolved.
6. Default fee and Rebate are not coming in the Premium Report:
Solution: As per the Directorate orders, Default fee and Rebate will come in separate report. Default fee will come in ‘Other Than Premium’ Report on receipt side and Rebate will come in ‘Rebate’ report on payment side.
7. Account head is not seen while going for generation of Premium report.
Solution: Since there have been major changes in the account heads, the restriction of tallying schedule with cashbook has been removed and you will get straight away the report of premium transactions for the selected period as it is from schedule database. This report is not tallied with the cashbook. You will have to make sure that it is tallied with the cashbook.
The same holds good for Other Than Premium and Rebate report.
And also, during the generation of CSV file, Premium transaction will not be asked to tally with the cashbook. They will come as it is from the schedule database in the finally generated csv file. You should make sure that these transactions are tallied with the cashbook.
Note: During this month, the new heads and the old heads are coexisting & it is not feasible to tally the schedules with the cashbook through the system. From next month onwards, it is proposed to reintroduce the condition of tallying with the cashbook.
8. Screenshot:
Solution: Re-download the csv files from nic website.
Upgrade the NICPLI and then Schedule database using latest service pack.
Transfer the files using new Meghdoot-NICPLI Bridge software.
Use new schedule.exe
NPS Error
During the booking of new registration for NPS amount does not shown. amount shows "0". Solution
Execute the following command in Query analyzer afer selecting counter database.
Accounts MIS File Transmission Error
SolutionCopy the certificate and Registercacft.exe available in the emo installation folder to the accounts mis client installation folder and double click on "REgistercacft.exe". It will solve your problem
Point of Sale – MO Amount and Commission Show (Black) in Windows 7 & Windows Vista
Open the start menu and type Theme Then click Change ThemeChoose the Windows Classic theme and it will automatically apply
Sanchay Post
1. Login failed for user Arrow in Project database (While upgradation of SP R2) or
If you recieve error code "Z" If you check the status in DB Analyzer
Please Download the Arrow.exe, double click the Arrow.exe and input the login details
and press ok.
Download Arrow.exe
Courtesy : http://andheriho.blogspot.com/